Zoning Board of Appeals 12/4/24


Call to Order and Roll Call. Meeting procedures and Swearing in of participants. 00:00:00

2024-Z-64 914 Forest Avenue 00:03:01

Request by Brendan Green for a 465.18 square foot (5.03%) total floor area variation to permit the construction of a new front porch and a replacement rear porch on the legal nonconforming structure.

2024-Z-65 3148 Temple Lane 00:13:57

Request by Ben Tolsky for a 3.67’ side yard mechanical equipment setback variation to permit the installation of a heat pump.

2024-Z-63 250 Westmoreland Drive 00:25:11

Request by Jennifer Gooze and Michael Kaufman for a 9.03’ rear yard setback variation, a 0.6’ front yard window well setback variation, an 11.6’ side yard adjoining a street window well setback variation, a 20.27’ side yard adjoining a street parking space setback variation, and a 3.5’ rear yard parking space setback variation to permit a garage addition, parking pad, and new window wells on the legal non-conforming structure.

Approval of the November 6, 2024 Meeting Minutes 01:17:45

Adjournment 01:17:59

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