Zoning Board of Appeals 7/17/24


Call to Order, Roll Call, Meeting Procedures and Swearing- in of Participants 00:00:01

2024-Z-34 1014 Elmwood Avenue - Request to Table to August 7, 2024 00:03:30

2024-Z-33 1034 Elmwood Avenue - Request to Table to August 21, 2024 00:03:52

2024-Z-32 1214 Washington Avenue 00:04:21

A request by Heather Martello for a special use for an arts studio within an existing personal service establishment (Oto Float Center for Self Care).

2024-Z-38 1223 Colgate Street 00:18:44

A request by Roger Weller for a 174.54 square foot (23.92%) front yard impervious surface coverage variation and a variation to permit a parking space within a required front yard on the legal non-conforming structure.

2024-Z-35 629 LeClaire Avenue 00:29:46

A request by Mohammed Saleem for a 70.26 square foot (6.65%) rear yard structure impervious surface coverage variation to permit the construction of a new two-car detached garage.

2024-Z-37 1006 Ridge Road 00:46:09

A request by Ryan Galfi, 97Ten Architecture, for a 70.28 square foot (0.91%) total floor area variation and a 2.93’ combined side yard setback variation to permit a two-story addition on the legal non-conforming structure.

2024-Z-36 100 16th Street 01:07:41

A request by Arthur Domagala for a 138.55 square foot (3.3%) lot coverage variation, a 4.05’ side yard adjoining a street garage setback variation, a 186.87 square foot (22.31%) rear yard structure impervious surface coverage variation, and a 123.5 square foot (14.75%) rear yard total impervious surface coverage variation to permit the construction of a two car detached garage.

Approval of the May 15, 2024 Meeting Minutes and Approval of the June 5, 2024 Meeting Minutes 01:33:06

Adjournment 01:33:43

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