Zoning Board of Appeals 6/5/24


Call to Order, Meeting Procedures and Swearing-In of Participants 00:00:02

2024-Z-28 1141 Central Avenue 00:03:09

A request by Valley Lodge for a special use to operate a carry-out/delivery restaurant within Valley Lodge (Foodhaul)

2024-Z-30 205 Maple, 260 Maple & 300 Linden (Canal Shores Golf Course) 00:31:31

A request by Canal Shores Golf Course for a 6.0’ fence height variation and a 2.0’ fence height variation, and a variation from the requirement that chain link fences are not permitted within a required front yard to permit the installation fencing on the golf course.

2024-Z-31 413 Central Avenue 00:48:04

A request by Chantal and Luke Petherbridge for a special use for an in-ground swimming pool and spa.

2024-Z-29 32 Crescent Place 01:52:01

A request by Sydney Schneider and Peter Fiflis for a 370.76 square foot (6.55%) total floor area variation, a 3.8’ side yard setback variation, a 21.11’ rear yard setback variation, a 138.81 square foot (9.25%) rear yard total impervious surface coverage variation, and a 159.2 square foot (10.61%) rear yard pavement impervious surface coverage variation to permit the construction of a one-story attached garage addition on the legal non-conforming structure.

Approval of the May 1, 2024 Meeting Minutes 03:18:30

Adjournment 03:18:46

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