Village Board Meeting 5/28/24


Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call 00:00:01

Public Comment 00:03:40

Approval of the Consent Agenda 00:07:12

Approval of all items listed on Consent including approval of minutes from the Village Board meeting held on May 14, 2024.

Report of Officers - Recognition of Eagle Scouts from Troops 2,3 and 5. 00:09:08

Recognition of Daniella Egeland and Myra Gallant for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout in Wilmette Troop 2. Recognition of Kyle Bartsch, Riley Berge, Jack Wereski, Ben Wu and Noah Zyung for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout in Wilmette Troop 3. Recognition of Alex Mason, Mason McCarthy, Chance McDermott, Declan O’Connor and Tobey Uhm for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout in Wilmette Troop 5.

Standing Committee - Finance 00:13:02

Presentation of the April 2024 Financial Report.

Standing Committee - Land Use - Case #1 00:29:55

Zoning Board of Appeals Report, Case #2024-Z-23, 3014 Indianwood Road, regarding a request for a 1.25’ side yard patio setback variation and a 6.2’ side yard grill island setback variation to permit the retention of a patio and grill island in accordance with the plans submitted.

Standing Committee - Land Use - Case #2 01:42:21

Zoning Board of Appeals Report, Case #2024-Z-24, 921 12th Street, regarding a request for a 93.87 square foot (10.14%) rear yard total impervious surface coverage variation and a 180.99 square foot (19.56%) rear yard pavement impervious surface coverage variation to permit the retention of a patio in accordance with the plans submitted.

Standing Committees - Administration, Municipal Services, Public Safety and Judiciary 03:17:25

All items covered on Consent.

Adjournment 03:17:56

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