Zoning Board of Appeals 5/1/24


Call to Order, Roll Call, Meeting Procedures and Swearing-In of Participants. 00:00:00

2024-Z-23 3014 Indianwood Road 00:04:27

A request by Jason Sander for a 1.25’ side yard patio setback variation and a 6.2’ side yard grill island setback variation to permit the retention of a patio and grill island.

2024-Z-24 921 12th Street 00:34:10

A request by Ronald Klein for a 93.87 square foot (10.14%) rear yard total impervious surface coverage variation and a 180.99 square foot (19.56%) rear yard pavement impervious surface coverage variation to permit the retention of a patio.

2024-Z-25 801 Ridge Road 01:26:20

A request by Tait Runnefeldt Medina for a variation to modify a non-conforming structure, a 1 space residential parking space variation, a parking aisle width variation, and a variation from the requirement that parking required by the dwelling units is not permitted at grade or within 8’ of grade to permit the construction of a two-story addition on a legal nonconforming structure.

Adjournment 01:56:00

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