Zoning Board of Appeals 4/19/23


Call to Order, Rules of the Meeting and Swearing in of Participants. 00:00:00

2023-Z-16 429 Maple Avenue 00:04:53

Request by Steven Deliduka and Bethanee Schlosser for a 174.5 square foot (11.63%) rear yard total impervious surface coverage variation and a 140.5 square foot (9.36%) rear yard paving impervious surface coverage variation to permit the construction of a detached garage as part of new home construction.

2023-Z-15 410 Linden Avenue 00:30:14

Request by Feras Allahham for a special use for a convenience mart.

2023-Z-18 622-644 Hibbard Road 00:39:35

Request by Towngarden Association, for an 8.1 foot-candle illumination variation to permit the installation of two light poles.

2023-Z-17 524 Park Avenue 01:04:01

Request by Mason Miller, architect, for a variation to alter a legal non-conforming detached garage.

Approval of the March 15, 2023 Meeting Minutes 01:27:35

Adjournment 01:27:43

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