Zoning Board of Appeals 2/1/23


Call to Order/ Meeting Procedures and Swearing-In of Petitioners 00:00:00

2023-Z-01 135 Green Bay Road - CONTINUED TO FEB 15th 00:04:41

Request by Cameel Halim for a special use for a parking lot as a principal use, a 5.0’ side yard parking space setback variation, and a 0.5 foot candle illumination variation to permit the construction of a parking lot.

2023-Z-02 520 7th Street - CONTINUED TO FEB 15th 00:05:32

Request by Michael and Frances Alexander for a 321.16 square foot (11.04%) lot coverage variation, a 580.71 square foot (20.0%) total floor area variation, a 7.19’ front yard setback variation, a 2.0’ side yard setback variation, a 5.52’ combined side yard setback variation, a 23.0’ rear yard setback variation, a 6.19’ front yard porch setback variation, a 6.52’ front yard porch step setback variation, a 4.69’ front yard eave setback variation, a 7.19’ front yard window well setback variation, a 1.5’ side yard eave setback variation, a 20.0’ rear yard eave setback variation, a 7.46’ rear yard step setback variation, a 4.13’ rear yard stoop setback variation, an 83.09 square foot (7.19%) front yard impervious surface coverage variation, a 207.16 square foot (17.93%) rear yard structure impervious surface coverage variation, and an 8.34’ side yard air conditioner setback variation to permit the construction of additions on the legal non-conforming structure.

2023-Z-04 706 Forest Avenue 00:06:08

A request by Krista Gallagher for a 108.03 square foot lot coverage variation and a 904.16 square foot floor area variation to permit the replacement of a detached garage and an addition on the legal non-conforming structure.

2023-Z-05 917 Greenwood Avenue 00:47:32

A request by Zibby Miechowicki for a special use for detached garages in excess of 600 square feet, a 0.16’ rear yard outdoor kitchen setback variation, a 1.75’ rear yard wall setback variation, a 3.0’ wall height variation, a 6.71 decibel generator variation, a 22.41 square foot (0.53%) rear yard pavement impervious surface coverage variation, and a 138.99 square foot (3.29%) rear yard total impervious surface coverage variation to permit the retention of a detached garage, patio, grill island, and wall and the relocation of a generator.

Public Comment/Adjournment 01:44:44

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