Zoning Board of Appeals 10/19/22


Call to order, establishment of guidelines and swearing-in. 00:00:02

2022-Z-66 1126 Michigan Avenue 00:04:20

A request by Nasrin Thierer for a variation to permit the retention of a non-conforming beach house upon demolition of the principal structure.

2022-Z-65 2621 Lake Avenue 00:29:01

A request by Mitch Friedman for 176.78 square foot (11.33%) front yard impervious surface coverage variation and a variation to permit a parking space within a required front yard.

2022-Z-64 70 Skokie Boulevard 00:47:13

A request by William Black for a medical/dental clinic, large to permit the operation of a dental office.

Public Comment//Adjournment 00:53:41

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