Zoning Board of Appeals 4/20/22


Call to Order and Procedures 00:00:02

2022-Z-24 2125 Kenilworth Avenue 00:03:14

Request by Garrett and Mary Smith for a 150.0 square foot (10.0%) front yard impervious surface coverage variation and a variation to permit a parking space in a required front yard to permit the replacement and widening of the driveway on the legal non-conforming structure.

2022-Z-18 1326 Wilmette Avenue 00:16:29

Request by Andris Andersons and Evita Gailuma for a special use for a detached garage in excess of 600 square feet, a 1.17’ rear yard garage setback variation, a 402.6 square foot (20.13%) rear yard total impervious surface coverage variation, a 541.82 square foot (27.09%) rear yard structure impervious surface coverage variation to permit the construction of a detached garage addition.

2022-Z-23 753 12th Street 01:05:28

Request by Andrew Venamore, Mach 1, for a 1.0’ rear yard detached garage setback variation, a 239.0 square foot (15.93%) rear yard total impervious surface coverage variation, and a 249.0 square foot (16.6%) rear yard paved impervious surface coverage variation.

2022-Z-21 814 Sheridan Road 01:40:53

Request by Sam Kang, Airoom Architects and Builders, for a 919.89 square foot (8.36%) total floor area variation to permit the construction of a one-story addition and entry porch and steps on the legal non-conforming structure.

2022-Z-22 911 Michigan Avenue 02:00:53

Request by Michigan Shores Club for an expansion of a special use (social club or lodge), a special use to permit an accessory structure in excess of 200 square feet, a 22,915.3 square foot (27.38%) total floor area variation, a 2,070.0 square foot (38.05%) side yard adjoining a street impervious surface coverage variation, an 10.58’ accessory structure height variation (roof), a 13.58’ accessory structure height variation (chimney), a 4.0’ accessory structure separation variation, and a variation to permit artificial turf in a side yard adjoining a street to permit the construction of an open pavilion, the expansion of a patio, and installation of artificial turf on the legal non-conforming structure.

Adjournment 02:52:17

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