Village Board Meeting 1/25/22


Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:00

Approval of the Consent Agenda 00:03:11

This is the approval of all items on consent including the minutes from the Regular Board Meeting held 1/11/22.

Presentation from the Sesquicentennial Planning Committee. 00:05:04

Report from the Village Manager 00:38:44

Standing Committee - Land Use 00:39:41

REMOVE FROM TABLE - Zoning Board of Appeals Report, Case #2021-Z-57, 2047 Wilmette Avenue, regarding a request for a variation from the requirement that a single-family home maintain two enclosed parking spaces to permit the conversion of the existing two car detached garage in accordance with the plans submitted.

Additional Standing Committees 01:41:45

Finance, Administration, Municipal Services, Public Safety and Judiciary.

Adjournment 01:42:11

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